Wednesday, 31 October 2012

First Flugtag in Singapore

Dear friends,

During this post I am going to share the photos from the first Red Bull Flugtag in Singapore.

It was a hot Sunday, October 28, when me and my two friends Paul and Joseph went to Sentosa Island to see the funniest competition between the teams of people who created a human-powered air-crafts. 

There were flying durian, chilli crab, MRT, garuda and others....altogether 38 hand-made flying objects.

В данной статье я хотела бы поделиться фотографиями с первого Флугтага,организованного компанией Ред Булл, в Сингапуре.Флугтаг- ето забавный конкурс между коммандами, которые сумели соорудить самолеты всевозможных дизайнов из подручных средств.Изобретательность участников поражала, тут были и летаюшие фрукты, утята, курицы, метро и даже чили крабы. 
First Flugtag in Singapore, organized by Red Bull
First Flugtag in Singapore, organized by Red Bull
First Flugtag in Singapore, organized by Red Bull
First Flugtag in Singapore, organized by Red Bull

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